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Book HL #50449468 ISBN 0876390114
Guitar Scales 101
Guitar Scales 101
Develop your guitar technique and gain a firm understanding of the major, minor, Pentatonic, Dorian, Mixolydian and blues scales in this 6-week online course.
Guitar Chords 101
Guitar Chords 101
Gain a greater feel for your instrument by learning Berklee's approach to the construction of guitar chords and chord voicings in this 6-week online course.
A Modern Method for Guitar: 123 Complete
by William Leavitt
available from
The William Leavitt guitar method, used as the basic text for the Berklee College of Music guitar program, has stood the test of time and earned a vast and loyal following of dedicated guitar students and instructors. By popular demand, Berklee Press has created a compilation of the original volumes 1, 2, and 3. Now, serious guitar students and instructors, from beginning through advanced, have the convenience of progressing through all three volumes of this classic guitar method in one comprehensive book. Innovative solos, duets, and exercises progressively teach melody, harmony, and rhythm.
Volume 1 - A beginning-level book presenting a comprehensive range of guitar and music fundamentals, including:
- scales
- melodic studies
- chord and arpeggio studies
- special exercises for both hands
- accompaniment techniques
- a unique approach to voice leading using moveable chord forms
Volume 2 - An intermediate level book that continues and builds upon the study of melody, scales, arpeggios, and chords, covering the entire fingerboard. This volume also addresses:
- intervals
- chord voicings
- improvisation
- rhythm-guitar techniques
- play-along duets
Volume 3 - A continuation and expansion of topics presented in volumes 1 and 2. Includes advanced techniques relating to scales, arpeggios, rhythm-guitar, chord/scale relationships, chord construction, chord voicings, and playing tips.
"These books will always feature in my "all time best" list. All three books should be in every guitarist's bookshelf - in my case they became a musical bible that I will surely use my whole life. To me this is the best overall guitar method I have come across."
Also by William Leavitt