Occasionally, an instructor may request that a student resubmit an assignment, and will mark an assignment for resubmission. When an instructor marks an assignment for resubmission, the assignment will be marked with a resubmit icon (circular arrows on a piece of paper) wherever the assignment appears in the course environment (see below).
If an assignment is marked for resubmission, the assignment can be resubmitted by clicking into your submission, and clicking the “Resubmit” button found at the top right of the assignment or bottom of the assignment. Clicking either of these resubmit buttons will open a submission modal, and the assignment can be submitted as normal. Please note that the assignment must by submitted using the resubmit button, as posting a reply on your original submission will not register as a resubmission.
Once successfully resubmitted, the bottom submission will be marked with a message reading “ASSIGNMENT RESUBMITTED” with a timestamp.