How to use a MIDI Controller for Note Entry in MuseScore

Updated on January 11th, 2024

Using a MIDI controller to input notes can make the process much easier than using a mouse. Take the following steps in order to use your MIDI controller for note entry in MuseScore.

  1. Open the MuseScore Preferences, then click on the I/O tab.
  2. Select your MIDI controller in the MIDI input dropdown menu. You don't need to set anything for MIDI output in order to input notes.
Screenshot showing the I/O tab of the Preferences menu in MuseScore 4
  1. Click the OK button to save your changes and close the Preferences window.
  2. Enable note entry by clicking the button with a pencil icon in the top left corner of MuseScore so it is illuminated, as shown below. Note that in older versions of MuseScore, the same button looks like a combination of an N and a quarter note, and is located in the same area.
Screenshot highlighting the button to click in MuseScore 4 to enable note entry
  1. Play a note on your keyboard, and the note should be added to your score. The note added will use the value selected in the Note Input Toolbar. Any keys played while another key is held down will be input starting on the same beat as the original note.

Different Note Input Modes

If you hold the mouse's left click button down when clicking the pencil icon (to turn on/off note entry), you will be given the option to select from various different input modes. The default mode is step time, which allows you to input notes at any pace and define their value.

Screenshot showing the different options of note entry modes in MuseScore 4
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