How to Record Video of Your Performance Along with a Backing Track

Updated on February 21st, 2024

Some of your courses may require recording video along with a backing track, which can be a little more involved than just recording basic video. There are a couple approaches you can take in order to accomplish this. See the tabs below for the pros and cons of each, as well as instructions for each approach. 

Note: If you are required to record more than one track over a single backing track for your assignment, you will need to use the advanced method. 

Simple Method

Click here for instructions on how to record video of your performance along with a backing track using the simple method.


  • Doesn't require any extra software besides a basic media player
  • Doesn't require you to sync audio with video
  • Gives you the option to record your video directly within the course environment



Advanced Method

Click here for instructions on how to record video of your performance along with a backing track using the advanced method


  • Produces superior audio quality compared to the simple method 
  • Gives you the option to record an instrument with a direct signal, rather than using a microphone
  • Allows you to develop proficiency in both a DAW and video editing software


  • Requires additional software (both a DAW and video editing software)—note that some DAWs will work in lieu of video editing software
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