Two musicians standing on stage with a written setlist at their feet

How to Prepare a Setlist

Setlists are essential for organizing and structuring a performance, ensuring that your music flows smoothly from one song to another, and energizes the audience. In this excerpt from the Berklee Online course Jazz Singing 201, authored by Patrice Williamson, you’ll learn how to prepare a successful setlist with her tried-and-true practices that will take your audience where you want them to go.


A kitchen timer set to 25 minutes with a backdrop of tomatoes.

Pomodoro Technique and Your Music Practice Routine

There is a very well-known technique called the “Pomodoro Technique” that can help us stay focused and beat fatigue while we practice music. “Pomodoro” is Italian for tomato. Yes, we’re going to improve our efficiency one tomato at a time. Let’s explore how you can incorporate the Pomodoro Technique into your practice routine.