Ear Training Exercises to Help You Become a Better Musician
In these ear training videos, we uncover key exercises to help you develop your inner hearing: conducting in 6/8, singing the root, and identifying chords.

Guitar Pedals: Why Do We Keep Buying Them?
In this video, Senior Academic Advisor Mark Hopkins shares why he thinks guitarists like himself buy so many guitar pedals and so much gear. For one, it’s fun!

Proper Recording Studio Setup
It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the best gear money can buy if your studio isn’t properly set up. I can’t tell you how many home studios I’ve seen with improperly positioned monitors

7 Fundamental Metal Guitar Techniques
Learn how to stop sounding mechanical and start sounding like some of your favorite Metal guitar artists in this series of video tutorials by Shaun Michaud.

How to Connect Vintage Analog Synths into Your DAW
Incorporate some vintage synths into your computer setup, and you’ve got yourself an incredibly powerful music production and sound design toolbox. But first you need to know the best way to plug these old machines into your modern DAW.

The Behringer K-2 Synth Revitalizes the Korg MS-20
One aspect about the Behringer K-2 that’s especially cool is that the original Korg MS-20 patches match up very closely with the K-2’s front panel.

YouTube Content ID: Using Music in Your Videos
Including music in your YouTube videos that isn’t yours can be risky business. In this video, learn all about how to avoid a Content ID flag!

How to Write a Song Using Imagery
Learn how to write a song using imagery in a series of video tutorials by Berklee Online songwriting instructor Andrea Stolpe.

Splice Studio Makes Remote Music Production Collaboration Easier
Berklee Online music production instructor Erik Hawkins teamed up with his students to test out the remote collaboration program, Splice Sounds.

Ableton Live Music Production Tricks
Learn Ableton Live music production tricks in this series of free video tutorials by Berklee Online instructors Erin Barra and Brian Funk.