Student Spotlight: Tom Breyfogle

Songwriter, orchestrator, arranger, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Tom Breyfogle has an impressive history. He currently plays bass and drums with Relient K.


Zac Baird (Korn Keyboardist) Berklee Online Student Story

Touring Korn keyboardist Zac Baird regularly takes music courses to keep his skills sharp, even enrolling in a few Ableton Live classes with Berklee Online.

Student Spotlight: Lindsay Ell

Lindsay Ell has played on stage with Buddy Guy and Keith Urban. But did you know that the rising country music songstress is also a Berklee Online alum?

Producer Fraser T. Smith Finds Success with Berklee Online

Though Fraser has found great success as a producer working with the likes of Adele and Sam Smith, he studies with Berklee Online filling in the gaps in his musical education.