Person with headphones analyzing music industry data on their laptop.

How to Process Music Industry Data

Liv Buli, author of the “Data Analytics in the Music Business” course at Berklee Online, teaches you how to process music industry data using the data pyramid.


Woman using laptop, cellphone, and headphones.

What Does a Music Publisher Do?

Berklee Online music business instructor Eric Beall explains how music publishers pick hit songs, providing sample questions and examples of feedback.

A violinist playing a music arrangement in an orchestra.

Melodic Shapes in Music Arranging

Music arranger Jerry Gates explains how to create music arrangements for linear, circular, and square melodic shapes in this excerpt from his course “Arranging: Woodwinds and Strings.”

Songwriting Imagery

How to Write a Song Using Imagery

Learn how to write a song using imagery in a series of video tutorials by Berklee Online songwriting instructor Andrea Stolpe.

A musician sits at his computer creating his website.

How to Create a Musician Website

Websites allow artists to share their music and shape their messaging exactly how they want. Here you’ll learn where to begin when designing your artist website and the components that make a website effective.

Jazz legend Gary Burton is pictured playing the vibraphone.

Jazz Improvisation Tips for Your Next Solo

Legendary vibraphonist and Berklee Online course author Gary Burton shares his jazz improvisation tips to make your next solo look and sound easy.

E. Michael Harrington discussing music copyright.

How Music Copyright Works with E. Michael Harrington

In a series of video tutorials, Berklee Online instructor E. Michael Harrington explains the specifics of copyright law as it applies to music.

Learn Intermediate Guitar Fundamentals with Amanda Monaco

In this 12-part video series, Berklee Online course author Amanda Monaco teaches you the fundamentals of intermediate guitar.

A musician sitting at a piano generating song ideas.

Song Ideas: 20 Tips for Songwriting Inspiration

Berklee Online course author Andrea Stolpe provides 20 tips to help you jumpstart your songwriting process and generate song ideas.

Band Name Ideas to Stand Out on Google

You know what SEO means, right? Search Engine Optimization: Optimize your band name for the search engines! Don’t pick something ungoogleable!