Josh Rouse: Berklee Online Open Mic Series
Singer-songwriter Josh Rouse dropped by the Berklee Online offices not too long ago to speak with instructor Mike King about the music industry.

Berklee Online Partners with Avid
We are very proud to announce our partnership with Avid as we utilize Pro Tools as the foundational software for our online bachelor of professional studies degree in music production.

EHX B9 | Electro-Harmonix B9 Organ Machine | Pedal Review
I love a great story around a pedal. I recently received an Electro-Harmonix B9 Organ Machine by mail. I picked it up at the Berklee mailroom during my lunch break.

Voice Leading for Guitar
In jazz, you will encounter only seven kinds of diatonic seventh chords (from major, melodic minor, or harmonic minor keys). This article will show you how to voice lead smoothly and easily between these chords and their variations.

Neil Codling (Suede) on Recording and Tracking
Musician Neil Codling, known for his work with Suede and the Penguin Cafe, offers tips for recording and tracking drums, bass, guitar, and backing vocals.

From Demo, to Mix, to Master
Berklee Online music production instructor Erik Hawkins discusses how a song evolves from demo to mix to master.

Benji Rogers: Berklee Online Open Mic Series
PledgeMusic co-founder and Berklee Online instructor Benji Rogers stopped by our Boston offices to offer his advice on touring, merchandising, and more.

Student Spotlight: Lindsay Ell
Lindsay Ell has played on stage with Buddy Guy and Keith Urban. But did you know that the rising country music songstress is also a Berklee Online alum?

Why Take Music Business Finance?
Music Business Finance covers everything from understanding financial calculations to interest rates to crowdfunding.

StageTrix Wah Fastener Review
If you have ever had difficulty with getting your traditional Cry Baby Wah to stay on a pedalboard securely here is a must have product for you.