A man plays common chord progression on an acoustic guitar.

Common Chord Progressions and How to Make Them Your Own

Songwriting is an art form that requires creativity, imagination, and an understanding of music theory, but if we’re being honest, there’s also a degree of “fake it ‘til you make it.” And with that approach in mind, one technique you could try is to utilize classic chord progressions to write your own.


A group of 2022 Berklee graduates celebrate at Commencement.

Berklee Online’s Class of 2023 Rejoice in Community and Perseverance

Members of Berklee Online’s graduating class head to Boston from around the world to attend Berklee College of Music’s 2023 Commencement ceremony. Read the stories of seven stand-out graduates who are celebrating the hard work that led to this milestone.

An illustration of a snare drum with a heart on it, two drum sticks in and X formation are behind the snare.

Best Drum Songs—According to Berklee Online Faculty

We polled members of the Drum Department at Berklee on the drum grooves they love the most. Some of the usual suspects are there—Ringo and Bonzo—but some of their choices may surprise you. Drumroll, please! …

A woman plays a video game.

Video Game Design and the Playcentric Approach

In video game design, the playcentric approach puts the player experience at the center of the design process. Read why this matters in this course excerpt from Lori Landay’s Game Design Principles course.

Two songwriters work together to write topline for a song.

What is Topline Songwriting?

Topline is a specialized niche of songwriting where the focus is on melody, lyrics, and performance over a preexisting track/beat/sonic structure. Learn a bit of history of how the craft of topline has become a significant role in the creative space of the music industry.

A picture of a heart inside the strings of an acoustic guitar, showcasing the love that Berklee Online instructors have for guitar.

Best Guitar Songs—According to Berklee Online Faculty

We polled members of the Guitar Department at Berklee on the guitar-based songs they love the most. Some of the usual suspects are there—Hendrix and Van Halen, etc.—but you may be surprised by some of the songs that strike a chord with your instructors, including some acoustic picks!

Musician Aarya Mehta leans against her piano.

Amazing Aarya Mehta Uses Prior Learning to Finish Degree Program in a Year

Aarya Mehta gave herself the “Amazing Aarya” moniker when she was starting her YouTube music channel in ninth grade. With her achievements, she continues to live up to that name.

A kitchen timer set to 25 minutes with a backdrop of tomatoes.

Pomodoro Technique and Your Music Practice Routine

There is a very well-known technique called the “Pomodoro Technique” that can help us stay focused and beat fatigue while we practice music. “Pomodoro” is Italian for tomato. Yes, we’re going to improve our efficiency one tomato at a time. Let’s explore how you can incorporate the Pomodoro Technique into your practice routine.

A voice leading paradigm showcases how musical notes switch on a musical staff.

Voice Leading Paradigms for Harmony in Music Composition

These voice leading examples provide guidelines to help you learn how to compose so each voice moves smoothly from note to note, while you create rich harmonic changes.

A student sitting at a table in their home on a laptop.

First Semester Checklist for Berklee Online Degree Students

Leading up to your first semester at Berklee Online, it’s completely understandable to feel stressed and overwhelmed, as well as excited. It can be difficult to keep track of all the communications that start coming through, which is why we’re providing one handy place to keep track of all of the important benchmarks and items to check off on your to-do list leading up to the first day of classes. You’re going to be great, and we look forward to helping you start your educational journey with Berklee Online!