Ableton Live Music Production Tricks

Learn Ableton Live music production tricks in this series of free video tutorials by Berklee Online instructors Erin Barra and Brian Funk.


Berklee Online Certificate was a Stepping Stone for MP&E Student Josh Sebek

Right out of high school, Josh Sebek completed his Advanced Certificate in Music Production using Pro Tools, a stepping stone that led him to attend Berklee’s Boston campus.

A musician working at a soundboard in a recording studio.

Top 10 Careers in the Music Business (and How Much Money You Can Make)

When you think of a career in music, you might start with the performers who are center stage. But when you pull back the curtain, you’ll find people with an array of music business jobs and careers that help make performances possible. And there’s money to be made here!

Real Analog Tape Sound: Is It Worth the Hassle?

What happens when you take a virtual instrument out of your DAW and record it to analog tape? Magic!

Edge Mic from Antelope Audio and Mic Modeling Software Review

Can Antelope Audio’s Edge mic modeling microphones really sound like classic, high-end mics that cost thousands of dollars more?

John Escobar who teaches ambisonics at Berklee.

Ambisonics with Berklee’s John Escobar

In this series, Berklee Online instructor John Escobar discusses the key points in understanding ambisonics, specifically what ambisonics are, how to capture them, and what to do with them in post-production.

Psychoacoustics in Music Production course author Susan Rogers.

Learn Psychoacoustics with Susan Rogers

In this video series, Berklee Online’s Susan Rogers discusses some of the principle ideas of Psychoacoustics.

Learn Architectural Acoustics with John Storyk

John Storyk began his career in the late 1960s, building Electric Lady Studios for Jimi Hendrix. In this tutorial, he teaches you all about architectural acoustics.

An electronic dance music (EDM) concert.

How to Make Electronic Dance Music (EDM)

Whether you already have a few tracks or are simply considering getting into the industry, here’s what you need to know to be an Electronic Music Producer.

Ben Vaughn Talks Television Scoring, Production, and Songwriting

Ben Vaughn is best known for his work on That 70s Show, but he also has extensive experience in production and songwriting.