Undergraduate Degree Admissions Information

Degree Completion

If you left Berklee College of Music prior to completing your bachelor's degree, you have new opportunities to complete your degree.

Icon representing a path to completing a degree.
Start Here Identify Your Degree Completion Path

There are two paths to degree completion, most often based on the amount of Berklee credits earned:

90 or more Berklee credits,

Campus Path

  • Involves completing a Bachelor of Music degree
  • Certain required courses are not available remotely (should this limitation present an issue for completing your studies, an option to change majors to another more suited for remote learning will be made available and the Degree Completion team will put together a custom remote degree completion plan)
Fewer than 90 Berklee credits,

Berklee Online Path

  • Involves completing a Bachelor of Arts degree by transferring your previous campus coursework to your new BA program
  • The transfer credits from campus will be maximized to put you as far ahead close to program completion as possible
  • Frequently utilizes the Interdisciplinary Music Studies major to place you closest to graduation from the start, but you can choose any major that Berklee Online offers

To identify your path, submit the Degree Completion Inquiry Form:

Complete the Inquiry Form

Once submitted, the Degree Completion Team will determine your path by conducting a comprehensive review of your Berklee student record, based on:

  • Your previously completed coursework, and what coursework remained in your original program.
  • Both pathways lead to completion of a Berklee Bachelor’s degree utilizing your previously completed Berklee coursework.
Note The 90 credit threshold is a general path qualifier. The comprehensive review will consider all factors to determine which path (or paths) each individual will be eligible for.

Wistia video thumbnail

Degree Completion Specialists Casey Merhige and Mark Hopkins provide a brief overview about degree completion

Costs and Financial Aid

What can I expect degree completion to cost?

Campus Degree Completion Path

Cost of campus degree completion depends on what fulfillment options you choose of those available for your particular requirements. All options are given to you on your official plan, and here is a summary of the costs for each:

  • Berklee Online (BOL) courses cost the 3-credit amount found at the top of each course homepage. Berklee alumni also receive a 20% discount on Berklee Online course tuition.
  • Remote campus courses cost the undergraduate per-credit amount found under “Berklee College of Music / Undergraduate”, “Boston Campus”, “Tuition by Semester” here: https://www.berklee.edu/student-accounts/tuition-and-related-costs.
  • Transfer courses vary completely depending on the institution you choose to work with. All transfer courses must be pre-approved with course syllabi or official course description including credit count by transfercredits@berklee.edu.
  • Credit By Exam tests, when available for a Berklee course, are free of charge.
  • CLEP tests are available to earn credit for certain Liberal Arts courses. Please refer to this page for a chart including specific CLEP equivalencies. For more information, please refer to the Collegeboard website.

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

You will matriculate into Berklee Online as a transfer student and have your campus coursework applied to your new Berklee Online transcript. From there, you will follow your program of choice as an undergraduate student with all standard tuition payment options available to you. More information on this can be found in the link below: https://online.berklee.edu/degrees/about/undergraduate-degree-tuition-financial-aid.

I utilized scholarships and/or financial aid when I first attended Berklee. Can I apply this assistance to my degree completion plan?

Campus Degree Completion Path

When completing remotely via the Degree Completion Program, unfortunately, scholarships and financial aid are not available. This is because it involves becoming a part-time student, and part-time students are ineligible for this type of aid. That said, the program is designed to specially allow for as many cost-effective fulfillment options for each requirement as are available (such as credit by tests for liberal arts and other requirements, and transferring in courses from other institutions, including Berklee Online which has a far lower per-credit cost than campus and offers a Berklee discount as well).

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

There are several options available to explore for financial aid and scholarships when completing your degree through Berklee Online. Please refer to the pages below for all the details:

Planning and Scheduling

How do I plan my course schedule each semester?

Campus Degree Completion Path

Berklee has several academic calendars, and it is important to be aware of which you are following for your particular course fulfillments. The options you have for each will be detailed in your official plan. Please note that each has its own registration deadlines as well. You will have the option to take courses in tandem following different academic calendars, but please be aware of the start and end dates for each so you can plan for your particular needs accordingly:

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

You will follow the Berklee Online Academic Calendar, and if you choose and have approval, any non-Berklee institution calendar for transfer credit. If accepted into the Study Abroad program, you will follow the Valencia campus calendar for your time there.

Is there an order that my courses should be taken in?

Campus Degree Completion Path

The order in which you complete the requirements from your official degree completion plan, (through Berklee or non-Berklee courses) is up to you (besides taking sequential courses like Tonal Harmony 1 before 2, or a capstone course after completing the majority of a major concentrate).

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

The order in which you complete your Berklee Online program requirements is up to you besides having to take leveled courses in sequence, and prerequisites are noted on each course home page. Sample schedules are also available for each major; you can find the list of majors here: Berklee Online Bachelor's Degree Programs

Please note that the sample schedules don't account for any transferred credit you come in with from your previous campus coursework.

Timeline and Progress

What is the expected timeline to begin and complete my degree completion plan?

Campus Degree Completion Path

Your plan is individually designed for you to start in the reasonable future. If you don't intend to begin it for another year or more, we will have to revisit the plan when you do to determine if it still reflects what would be needed of you at that time. The longer you are away from the college, the more the curriculum changes. For this reason, once you begin your plan, it is expected that you make progress on it with reasonable consistency. Even if you're only taking one course per semester, and as long as you don't take more than a year off from progressing towards completion once you begin, your plan will remain.

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

The Degree Completion team is happy to provide you with an unofficial evaluation which can help you plan out your new degree program. If you do not apply for a year or more after the unofficial evaluation is generated, some updates may be required.

Generally, you will have flexibility in your completion progress, but please keep in close contact of your plans and intentions with the Berklee Online Advisor team.

Is Degree Completion a “fresh start” at my degree?

Campus Degree Completion Path

Since you are essentially returning to your campus studies, your previous academic standing and holds will still apply. If any had affected your eligibility to enroll previously, including SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) holds, they will need to be resolved before you can enroll in remote campus courses or graduate. Your official degree completion plan will include information on resolving holds if applicable.

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Though you will be transferring to a new degree program, all applicable prior institutional credit will be applied to your record, including unsuccessful course attempts and all grades. In order to be admitted at Berklee Online, you must be in good academic standing at Berklee Campus and free of all holds. If you were academically dismissed from Berklee Campus, or have any SAP [Satisfactory Academic Progress] holds, you must resolve these with Berklee Campus prior to admission at BOL. In many cases this may be done by taking a few BOL courses ala carte to demonstrate academic improvement. With prior consultation with the Degree Completion team, you can take ala carte courses that will apply to your future BOL program.

Transferring Credits

There is a course I would like to take at another institution towards my completion plan. Will it count and if not, what other courses will?

Campus Degree Completion Path

There are so many institutions around the world that can be potential sources of transfer credit, which is why the Office of the Registrar’s transfer credit representative (transfercredits@berklee.edu) reviews specific courses for eligibility on a case-by-case basis. This can be done by e-mailing a link to an official course description and/or syllabus for a course you're interested in taking- just be sure it includes the amount of credits the course is worth at the institution so the Office of the Registrar can make a decision with that in mind.

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Before enrolling at any non-Berklee institution towards your Berklee degree requirements, please fill out the form below and await approval: Provisional Credit Approval

More information on Berklee Online’s transfer credit policies can be found at the: Undergraduate Degree Transfer Credits page.

Where do I send official transcripts to transfer in approved credit from outside institutions?

Campus Degree Completion Path

Please have official transcripts that have been approved by the Office of the Registrar sent directly from the institution to Berklee via either of the following methods: (Note: Having them sent to you and sending a copy to Berklee cannot be processed):


Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02215-3693

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Please have official transcripts sent directly from your institution to Berklee via either of the following methods:

For the application process, electronic transcripts should go to: materials@online.berklee.edu
After acceptance, additional transcripts can be sent to: transfer@online.berklee.edu

Berklee Online
Attn: Registrar
855 Boylston Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116

Electronic transcripts are recommended, if available through your institution. Mailed copies will require additional processing time.

Additional FAQs

Why does my completion plan total more than 120 credits?

Both Paths

Generally, 120 credits is the minimum amount to earn a (single major) Bachelor’s degree, but you must also complete the entire program you are studying, each of which has a very specific list of requirements. If you have reached 120 credits, but have not yet completed all of your program’s courses, you will need to fulfill those particular requirements before you have earned the degree.

Do I have to complete the application process again, if I am switching to the Berklee Online Bachelor of Arts Degree Program?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

There is a small portion of the application process that must be filled out, including a demonstration of musicianship depending on which Degree path you choose. Your Berklee Online Advisor will walk you through this process and throughout the program.

What major should I switch to at Berklee Online? Can I just start Undeclared and decide later?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

The Undeclared option is not available to Degree Completion students, as the way your previous credit applies will vary depending on the major.

In choosing a BOL major, you should consider your priorities. For students who simply want to complete their degree as quickly as possible, the best option might be the major that most closely aligns with your Campus program, or perhaps our Interdisciplinary Music Studies (IDMS) major. If you have specific courses you are interested in taking at BOL, that may guide your selection of a different major. The Degree Completion team is happy to create Unofficial Evaluations upon request for your top choices if you are having trouble picking between majors!

What if I want to pursue one of the performance majors at Berklee Online (Guitar, Voice, or Piano)? Will my Private Lessons from Campus transfer?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Yes! Private Lessons from Campus are applied directly to your Private Lesson requirement (same instrument only). If you have taken Private Lessons at any other institution, they will be subject to the regular Private Lesson Policies.

What if I attended a Berklee Global Partner prior to Berklee Campus and now I want to earn my degree at Berklee Online? Will my Global Partner credit still count?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Your Berklee Campus credit will be applied to your new program first, and then we will assess your Berklee Global Partner credit according to our standard external Transfer Credit Policies. The Academic Agreements from Berklee Global Partners are with Berklee Campus, and do not apply to BOL programs (except for any institutions that have separately authored an Academic Agreement with Berklee Online directly–you can view and learn more about those partner schools here. However, we use the Academic Agreements with Berklee Campus to guide our assessments, always with a mind towards maximizing your transfer credit, up to the 60 credit external transfer credit limit.

If I am transferring to Berklee Online, do I need to provide new copies of my documents?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

We are required by federal regulations to have a complete student file for you at Berklee Online, as we maintain our records separately from campus. Whenever possible, we will work to pull your original documents from your file on campus. However, if you have completed additional coursework since you attended campus, or if we are not able to access your original documents (this is common for students who attended prior to our current system of record), you may be required to submit new documents. The Degree Completion team is here to help you with this process!

If I complete my degree through Berklee Online, what will my diploma say?

Berklee Online Degree Completion Path

Your diploma will simply read “Berklee College of Music” with your program name. Your Transcript, however, will include that you attended Berklee Online specifically, with more information about the program.