Undergraduate Degree Admissions Information

Degree Completion

If you left Berklee College of Music prior to completing your bachelor's degree, you have new opportunities to complete your degree.

Icon representing a path to completing a degree.
Start Here Identify Your Degree Completion Path

There are two paths to degree completion, most often based on the amount of Berklee credits earned:

90 or more Berklee credits,

Campus Path

  • Involves completing a Bachelor of Music degree
  • Certain required courses are not available remotely (should this limitation present an issue for completing your studies, an option to change majors to another more suited for remote learning will be made available and the Degree Completion team will put together a custom remote degree completion plan)
Fewer than 90 Berklee credits,

Berklee Online Path

  • Involves completing a Bachelor of Arts degree by transferring your previous campus coursework to your new BA program
  • The transfer credits from campus will be maximized to put you as far ahead close to program completion as possible
  • Frequently utilizes the Interdisciplinary Music Studies major to place you closest to graduation from the start, but you can choose any major that Berklee Online offers

To identify your path, submit the Degree Completion Inquiry Form:

Complete the Inquiry Form

Once submitted, the Degree Completion Team will determine your path by conducting a comprehensive review of your Berklee student record, based on:

  • Your previously completed coursework, and what coursework remained in your original program.
  • Both pathways lead to completion of a Berklee Bachelor’s degree utilizing your previously completed Berklee coursework.
Note The 90 credit threshold is a general path qualifier. The comprehensive review will consider all factors to determine which path (or paths) each individual will be eligible for.

Wistia video thumbnail

Degree Completion Specialists Casey Merhige and Mark Hopkins provide a brief overview about degree completion

Costs and Financial Aid

What can I expect degree completion to cost?
I utilized scholarships and/or financial aid when I first attended Berklee. Can I apply this assistance to my degree completion plan?

Planning and Scheduling

How do I plan my course schedule each semester?
Is there an order that my courses should be taken in?

Timeline and Progress

What is the expected timeline to begin and complete my degree completion plan?
Is Degree Completion a “fresh start” at my degree?

Transferring Credits

There is a course I would like to take at another institution towards my completion plan. Will it count and if not, what other courses will?
Where do I send official transcripts to transfer in approved credit from outside institutions?

Additional FAQs

Why does my completion plan total more than 120 credits?
Do I have to complete the application process again, if I am switching to the Berklee Online Bachelor of Arts Degree Program?
What major should I switch to at Berklee Online? Can I just start Undeclared and decide later?
What if I want to pursue one of the performance majors at Berklee Online (Guitar, Voice, or Piano)? Will my Private Lessons from Campus transfer?
What if I attended a Berklee Global Partner prior to Berklee Campus and now I want to earn my degree at Berklee Online? Will my Global Partner credit still count?
If I am transferring to Berklee Online, do I need to provide new copies of my documents?
If I complete my degree through Berklee Online, what will my diploma say?