Private Music Composition Lesson Scheduling

Music Composition undergraduate degree majors get the exclusive benefit of private music composition lessons with renowned Berklee faculty who will share their practical knowledge, and coach students through lesson material at a pace individually tailored for each student.

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Brian Buch

Assistant Professor

Chamber music, Solo music, Orchestral Music, Piano music, Instrumental music


Olivier Messaien, Claude Debussy, Bela Bartok, Dmitri Shostakovich, Gyorgi Ligeti

Genres and Media

Music of the twenty-first century

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Tiffany Chang

Associate Professor

Collegiate conducting, community orchestra conducting, interdisciplinary collaborations, people-first leadership, purpose-driven leadership, work culture for musicians, psychological safety in music industry, orchestral management, vocal coaching, career coaching, branding and digital presence.


J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, David Hoose, Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Hubert Joly, Amy Edmondson, Marshall Goldsmith

Genres and Media

Symphonic conducting, opera conducting, recitative conducting, contemporary music conducting, instrumental conducting

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Beth Denisch


Contemporary Classical Composition, Tonal Analysis, Compositional Strategies


Edgar Varèse, Florence Price, Rebecca Clarke, J.S. Bach

Genres and Media

Neoromantic, pluralist, indeterminacy; traditional and graphic notation

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Arnold Friedman


Text setting for vocal and choral composition, Orchestration, Microtonality and tuning systems


Twentieth century composers, especially Bartok, Stravinsky, Britten, and Berg, Paul Simon, Lennon and McCartney, 1980s album rock—Yes, Kansas, etc., sixteenth century choral music

Genres and Media

Vocal and Choral composition. Orchestral composition.

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Panagiotis Liaropoulos

Associate Professor

Ensembles and Soloists, Vocal Music, Combining Ethnic Music traditions with Western Compositional techniques and processes


Toru Takemitsu, Lukas Foss, John Corigliano, Christopher Rouse, Samuel Barber, Richard Danielpour, Thomas Ades, Kaija Saariaho, Bela Bartok, Ethnic Music styles of the Eastern Mediterranean, Byzantine Music

Genres and Media

Orchestral Music and Opera

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Ryan Suleiman

Assistant Professor

Aleatoric techniques, engraving (notation software & by hand), contemporary & avant-garde techniques, tonal music techniques, compositional/creative process, music and nature.


Olivier Messiaen, Claude Debussy, Gerard Grisey, Toru Takemitsu, Lei Liang, Marti Epstein, John Adams, Beethoven. Love film music, Sufjan Stevens, St. Vincent, Fairouz, Joe Hisaishi.

Genres and Media

Chamber music, piano music, opera, art song, incidental music, orchestral music