Next semester
starts April 7

Private Piano Lesson Level 3 builds upon the skills developed in Level 2. You will be introduced to major scales and major root-position triad arpeggios in the keys of B, F♯, and C♯, as well as triadic chord progressions in those keys. You will continue to work on technique exercises as well as hand position and posture. You will be introduced to the concept and application of altered tensions, which are additional notes added to chords to add harmonic richness.

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You will develop rhythmic skill and awareness, muscle memory, and hand strength, and these exercises will reinforce the skills required for Level 3.

A Level 3 traditionally notated piece in any style will be introduced. This you will learn from a specifically notated score working with your instructor, to adhere to all expressive, fingering, touch, and technical elements.

A Level 3 chord symbol improvisation piece will be introduced. These can be in any contemporary style, such as jazz, pop, R&B, rock, blues, and more. The harmonic texture required for Level 3 is to play the melody in the right hand harmonized with chord tones and tensions and bass line activity in the left hand. You will work with your instructor to arrange an approved piece employing proper voice leading, expressive elements, fingering, and technical elements.

The ensemble playing technique called comping will be introduced. Comping is an improvised accompaniment technique utilized in many contemporary styles. Level 3 will utilize open-voicing concepts for comping.

There will be continued study of improvisation concepts, including appropriate melodic and harmonic vocabulary for specific song styles, rhythmic and phrasing principals, and technical considerations. You will begin by improvising on a 12-bar blues form and/or a diatonic chord progression in various styles. You will then apply improvisation concepts to your chord symbol improvisation tune. (Improvisation will NOT be part of your final exam or final grade consideration. Grading considerations based on improvisation will not begin until Level 6.)

By the end of Private Piano Lesson Level 3, you will be able to:

  • Play major scales hands together, four octaves ascending and descending with the proper fingers at 65 BPM in the keys of B, F♯, and C♯
  • Play major triad root-position arpeggios hands together, four octaves ascending and descending with the proper fingers at 65 BPM in the keys of B, F♯, and C♯

  • Perform triadic chord progressions I IV V I and I VI II V I in B, F♯, and C♯

  • Perform a technical exercise designed to develop rhythmic skill and awareness, hand strength, and muscle memory essential for conventional movement and movement specific to Level 3 repertoire

  • Perform a Level 3 piece in the traditionally notated style

  • Perform a Level 3 piece in the chord symbol improvisation style, right-hand melody harmonized with chord tones and tensions and left-hand bass line activity

  • Employ comping techniques on your Level 3 chord symbol improvisatory piece

  • Employ melodic and rhythmic improvisation concepts to a 12-bar blues or diatonic chord progression

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Prerequisites and Course-Specific Requirements 

Prerequisite Courses, Knowledge, and/or Skills
Completion of Private Piano Lesson Level 2 is required.



  • Students are required to create notation and submit it in PDF format. Options include:
    • Notation software (recommended option), such as Finale, Sibelius, Dorico, MuseScore (free), etc.
    • Handwritten notation captured by a digital camera or a scanner can be used in lieu of notation software.


  • Piano or keyboard instrument with 88 weighted action keys equipped with a sustain pedal
    • If using a MIDI keyboard controller, a high-quality piano software instrument is also required.
    • If using a digital piano or keyboard workstation without built in speakers, an audio interface or amplifier is also required.


  • Students are required to capture their instrumental performance, as well as monitor audio output. Options include:
    • Input (one required if not using MIDI and software instruments):
      • Keyboard connected directly to audio interface (recommended non-acoustic option; alternatively, the microphone options below can be used with amplified instruments)
      • XLR microphone and audio interface (recommended acoustic piano option)
      • USB microphone
      • Built-in computer/mobile device microphone
    • Output (one required):
      • Headphones (recommended option; required if multitracking and/or input monitoring a microphone)
      • Studio monitors and audio interface
      • Built-in or external computer speakers
  • Note: Depending on your setup, you may also need XLR/instrument cables and microphone stand(s).

Student Deals
After enrolling, be sure to check out our Student Deals page for various offers on software, hardware, and more. Please contact with any questions.

General Course Requirements

Below are the minimum requirements to access the course environment and participate in Live Classes. Please make sure to also check the Prerequisites and Course-Specific Requirements section above, and ensure your computer meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements for all software needed for your course. 

Mac Users

PC Users

All Users

  • Latest version of Google Chrome
  • Zoom meeting software
  • Webcam
  • Speakers or headphones
  • External or internal microphone
  • Broadband Internet connection


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