School Info, Enrollment & Policies
Undergraduate Academic Policies
On This Page
- Academic Planning
- Accessibility Resources for Students
- Change Name or Mailing Address
- Completing Coursework Outside of Degree Program Requirements
- Course Participation
- Early Release of Lessons
- Change of Major/Program
- Dean’s List
- Declaration of Major
- Double Majors
- Enrollment Verification
- Financial Aid and Part-Time Student Status
- Full-Time/Part-Time Status
- Graduation Requirements
- Grading
- Inactive Degree Policy
- Incomplete Grading Policy
- Minors
- Prior Learning Credit
- Private Lesson Policies
- Reenrollment
- Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal
- Registration
- Repeat Course Policy
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Transcript Requests
- Transitioning to a Bachelor of Arts program
- Transferring to or from Non-Degree Enrollment
- Withdrawals
Academic Planning
Students are responsible for regularly tracking their progress towards program completion and ensuring that they a registering for the appropriate courses each semester. Refunds cannot be issued for coursework a student later discovers is not required for their degree and/or does not advance their overall academic progress (such as enrolling in a course that does not fulfill a remaining program requirement, retaking a course that was previously passed, etc.). This coursework also cannot be removed from the student’s record. Please see the Completing Coursework Outside of Degree Program Requirements and the Graduation Requirements policy sections for additional information.
Change Name or Mailing Address
Students looking to change the name that appears on their Berklee Online record must complete the Official Name Change Request Form. Please note:
- For legal name changes, documentation (marriage certificate, court documents, license, social security card, etc.) is required in order to update your name of record.
- Preferred name changes do not require documentation and will only update a student’s name within their course(s) and communication with Berklee Online.
All students must have a current mailing address on file with Berklee Online. Important documentation is regularly sent out via mail, with documents including:
- 1098-T federal tax forms
- Letters regarding enrollment status
- Refunds
- Certificates
- Other important information
Students wishing to update their mailing address will need to complete the Change of Address Form.
Completing Coursework Outside of Degree Program Requirements
Due to financial aid and military benefit constraints as well as SAP maximum time-frame concerns, students are not permitted to complete courses that are not part of their program requirements. A student who wishes to take courses outside of their degree should be advised to wait until they have graduated and enroll in these classes as a non-degree seeking students. Students who are found to be taking courses outside of their program during the add/drop period of the semester will be administratively dropped from the course. Students found to be taking courses outside of their program after add/drop and are utilizing federal financial aid or military benefits will be reported to the appropriate departments. Special consideration can only be granted to those courses that serve as prerequisites to required courses in a student’s major and/or minor.
Course Participation
Prompt and regular online participation is required to complete all Berklee Online courses successfully. The weekly lessons are cumulative; therefore, it is imperative that students stay current with their coursework and assignments. In addition, student-to-student communication and collaboration are essential elements to the overall Berklee Online educational experience, and students who fall behind in their course work not only miss out on the cumulative curriculum but the community aspect of their courses as well.
It is recommended that students begin their course(s) promptly when the semester begins. If a student does need to start the course a few days late, they should contact the instructor via a private message and/or e-mail as soon as possible after the course has opened.
If students plan to be away from their courses, they should inform their instructors via a private message and/or e-mail, and make every effort to continue working on the courses while away. If this is not possible, they should make a plan with their instructors to catch up upon returning. Note that failure to submit required work in courses in a given semester for two weeks or more will result in an administrative withdrawal for the semester (see Administrative Withdrawal Due to Non-Participation for more information).
Submitting required work in a course late may result in grade penalties. It is important that students review the grading information provided by their instructor.Students should contact their instructors as soon as possible to determine what, if any, arrangements can be made for the specific situation. Instructors may issue a failing grade for failure to submit required work in a course. The grade of “F” will be recorded for failure to complete or properly withdraw from courses.
Early Release of Lessons
Students may request early access to upcoming lessons under limited circumstances. Please note that students requesting early access to lessons as part of an accommodation due to an illness or disability should complete the Berklee Online Accessibility Resource for Students Request Form here.
Students are only allowed to submit one request per semester for a maximum of two weeks of early access. Requests cannot be requested prior to the semester beginning. All requests will be reviewed and approved under limited circumstances, such as travel, military obligations, or other foreseeable events that may prevent a student from accessing the course.
Requests from a student to work ahead without a valid reason will not be approved. It is expected that a student takes into account their other obligations prior to enrolling in a course. It is also expected that a student reviews the start and end dates of a semester, as needing to finish early is not a valid reason for early access.
Courses running for the first time as well as courses that are undergoing major updates will not be eligible for early release of lessons.
Completion of material ahead of schedule does not alter grading timelines. Final grades and transcripts will not be available until the semester has officially ended. Instructors are not required to grade assignments before their respective deadlines.
To request early access to a lesson, a student should fill out the Early Release Form. The request will be reviewed and a decision made within 2 business days.
Change of Major/Program
Students seeking to declare a major, declare or drop a minor, or to change their current major or change their program from a BPS to a BA must submit a Change of Program Request Form here. All approved requests for major declaration, change of major, or change of program will be processed for the coming semester, provided the request is received the Friday before the first week of classes. Any request to declare a major or to change a major or program received after this will take effect the following semester. Changes in major/program cannot be retroactive. Students changing their major/program will be updated to the most recent calendar year. Students may only change their program once per semester. Students may not change their major/program during their final semester.
Some majors require the student to submit supplemental materials, such as an audition or a demonstration of musicianship. These materials must be received prior to or in conjunction with the Change of Program request form. Approval for change of major/program is never guaranteed.
Students who are considering a change of major/program must be in good academic standing. Please note that changes in major/program may impact how completed credit applies to remaining degree requirements. Students who change majors repeatedly often encounter SAP maximum timeframe restrictions, especially if few of their previous classes count toward the new major. As a result, there may be a limit to the number of approved change of major requests.
Students who have been accepted into the Bachelor of Arts degree cannot request to change their program to the Bachelor of Professional Studies program. Students who have requested to change their program to the Bachelor of Arts or who have had their program automatically switched over to the Bachelor of Arts program cannot request to change back to the Bachelor of Professional Studies program.
Dean’s List
Students averaging honor grades for any given semester are placed on the Dean’s List and receive a letter from the Dean confirming their accomplishment. Specific criteria for inclusion on the list are as follows:
Students must earn at least 6 credits in the semester in question and achieve a grade point average of 3.60 or above.
No grade in the semester in question may be lower than “B,” and no grades of Incomplete (“I”) or Withdrawal (“W”) are permitted.
The Dean’s List is calculated based on a deadline of all grades received by the end of the second week of classes in the following semester. Students should be aware that any work intended to satisfy a grade change for the purposes of making the Dean’s List must be submitted to their instructors for review well in advance of the deadline for the Dean’s List.
Students may access their Dean’s List letters on their MyHome page.
Declaration of Major
Students are required to declare a major prior to completing 45 credits (including transfer credit) in the degree program. With the help of assigned advisors, students will have the opportunity to examine their musical and educational objectives and to select the most appropriate major.
Double Majors
Double majors will no longer be offered as of Summer 2021.
Double Major Exception to Changing Academic Major
A student who is a double major and has completed all graduation requirements for one of the two majors, but plans not to enroll again to complete their second major, may opt to change to a single major and graduate in the single major in which all requirements are satisfactorily completed. The official graduation date will be the end of the semester in which the change to the single major was completed.
Accessibility Resources for Students
Berklee Online is committed to creating usable, equitable, and inclusive learning environments while providing equal educational opportunity and full participation for students with disabilities outlined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Accommodations are determined on an individual, case-by-case basis. A student’s accommodation plan will remain in place for the duration of their time at Berklee Online. If a student would like to request a change to their accommodation, they may contact Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students to request that change. Please note, that accommodations on file with the campus are not transferred to Berklee Online. Campus students must complete the Berklee Online accommodation process to receive course accommodations for their online courses.
It is the responsibility of a student with disabilities to complete the following steps to be considered for accommodations at Berklee Online.
Academic Accommodations
How To Get Started
1. Students with disabilities who desire to access accommodations for their online courses shall initiate their request by completing the Berklee Online Accessibility Resource for Students Request Form here before or during the first two weeks of the course. Reasonable accommodation requests will be reviewed continually through the beginning of week 10 of the semester; any accommodation request submitted after the deadline will be reviewed and processed for the following semester. Accommodations are not retroactive and only start once approved and processed.
2. You will be asked to submit documentation of your disability or disabilities and outline the specific needs and course accommodations. Please see the supporting documentation guidelines below.
3. After the completed form and documentation have been reviewed, the Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students will contact the student regarding appropriate next steps. Students are highly encouraged to contact instructors to facilitate the implementation of the identified accommodation.
Supporting Documentation Guidelines
The following documentation criteria will be used:
- The documentation must state the functional diagnosis as they pertain to academics.
- The documentation must tate recommendations for academic accommodations.
All documentation must:
- Be signed by the treating clinician and be written on official letterhead
- Be recent except in cases of neuropsychological testing done as an adult
- Be complete (all pages included) except in cases of neuropsychological testing where students might prefer to omit personal background or history
No pictures of prescription medication or after-visit hospital summaries will be accepted.
The Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students requests the information needed to understand the connection between the barrier described, the student’s disability, and the requested accommodation. When there is not adequate information to make a decision, additional information will be requested.
Please contact The Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students at
The Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students will provide appropriate academic adjustments on a case-by-case basis and will not necessarily incorporate all requested academic adjustments/ services.
Typical accommodations and services include but are not limited to:
- Extended time on course assignments and exams
- Flexibility with attendance
- Ability to view all course content
- Exempt from participating in live chat sessions
- Alternative format textbooks
Please note that Berklee Online does not provide student tutoring services or student assistance programs. All Berklee Online courses will have the course content written down ahead of time, and access to notes and written materials are all provided in our learning system. In addition, all courses are designed to support text-to-speech software. Videos also have a text option available for students, and all videos are automatically archived.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
- To not be denied access due to a disability, according to the law
- To receive reasonable accommodations that provide equal opportunity
- To have access to auxiliary aids/assistive technology as available to other students
- To receive assistance from the Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students in removing academic and attitudinal barriers
- To not be discriminated against due to a disability or receive any retaliatory discrimination, as protected by law
- To identify to the Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students by completing the Request Form
- To provide documentation of disability
- To initiate specific accommodations by following the procedures and policy outlined in Berklee Online’s Accommodations Approval Process
- To provide professors with reasonable notice in which to implement the accommodations
- To assume personal responsibility for requesting additional assistance if needed
- To follow online disability policies and procedures to receive accommodations
Extended Time on Assignments Policy
Extended time on individual assignments may be a reasonable accommodation. This accommodation allows for flexibility in assignment deadlines. In general, the amount of time approved for the extension is up to one additional week from the official assignment posted deadline. If more time is warranted when an unexpected disability-related health flare-up occurs that prevents the student from completing the assignment more time can be granted with the approval of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students. When Extended Time on Assignments is listed on the accommodation, instructors, and students are asked to follow up directly during the first two weeks of every semester to create a reasonable timeline and to set up a plan for the assignment extension.
There are some situations in which the due dates of assignments/projects cannot be adjusted/extended according to the nature of the course in such cases, meeting established deadlines would be an essential requirement for the course, and Withdrawal or Incomplete grades may be appropriate options. Instructors are required to consult with Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students before making such a decision.
Extra time on assignments as an accommodation does not mean:
- Open-ended deadlines
- Permission to submit work all simultaneously at the end of the course
- Permission to submit assignments at the student’s convenience
- Submit assignments after answers have been posted or other students have received feedback on their work
Who receives this accommodation?
Students with disabilities dealing with various impairments may be approved for this accommodation.
Student Responsibilities
Students must initiate a conversation with the instructor during the first two weeks of every semester or before the assignment is due. Students should contact Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students if they have concerns with the instructor’s decision.
Accommodations are not meant to be retroactive. Missed assignments that occur prior to the instructor receiving the accommodation letter are not covered. Those missed assignments should be handled in accordance with the course assignment policy.
Adjusted deadline date must be established with the instructor. Assignments cannot be submitted whenever desired. Extra time on assignments as an accommodation does not mean open-ended deadlines.
Students will adhere to the agreed-upon plan and complete work within the agreed-upon alternate timeline.
Instructor Responsibilities
Initiate a conversation with the approved student (s) during the first two weeks of every semester or when the Office of Berklee Online Accessibility Resources for Students has notified you. Instructors who have questions about how to best incorporate this accommodation into a class or who do not believe an assignment extension is reasonable should consult with Berklee Online Accessibility Resources before making a final decision
Points to consider in making a final decision include: Assess the average time all students are expected to spend on the project/assignment relative to the deadline and if this particular student’s situation necessitates an extension beyond the approved accommodation deadline extension. Instructors are NOT required to "fundamentally alter " the integrity of course content.
How to Contact Berklee the Office of Online Accessibility Resources for Students
We invite you to contact us at
Financial Aid and Part-Time Student Status
Financial aid is available on a prorated basis to students who are enrolled part-time at Berklee Online. The amount of aid for which students are eligible is impacted by the number of credits for which a student enrolls. All part-time students must continue to make satisfactory academic progress to be considered for financial aid funding. Most federal grants and loans require students to be enrolled in six or more credits in order to continue receiving prorated funding. Students enrolled in fewer than six credits are likely to enter their grace period and/or begin loan repayment.
Full-Time/Part-Time Status
- Full Time = 12 credits
- ¾ Time = 9 credits
- Half Time = 6 credits
- Less than Half Time = 3 credits
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the Berklee Online Bachelor of Professional Studies or Bachelor of Arts degree program, students must satisfy all program requirements and complete a minimum of 120 credits for a single major or 165 credits for a double major. Students must also earn a minimum of 60 institutional credits for a single major or 105 institutional credits for a double major.
Although “D” (1.0) and “C-” (1.67) grades are considered passing in a course, a student must have a minimum GPA of 2.70 in their major and an overall cumulative GPA of 2.00. Students who do not achieve the requisite in-major or cumulative GPA will need to retake required coursework with low grades until the minimum GPA in these areas is reached.
Prior to receiving a degree, students must fulfill all financial obligations to the college, provide sufficient proof of high school completion, and submit any outstanding official transcripts.
Students who graduate from the Bachelor of Professional Studies program are not eligible to have this degree converted to a Bachelor of Arts. Students who have earned a BPS in a particular area may not return to earn a BA in that same area. Alumni may, however, seek a BA in a different discipline.
GPA Honors
Students who have attained the following final cumulative GPAs upon degree conferral will have the coordinating honors listed on both their transcript and diploma:
- Summa Cum Laude 3.85–4.00
- Magna Cum Laude 3.70–3.84
- Cum Laude 3.50–3.69
Applying to Graduate
Students must apply for graduation by academic year. The graduation application for an academic year will open in the fall term on October 1. Students planning to complete their degree requirements by the end of that academic year are asked to submit their applications by December 1. A link to the Berklee Online Application for Graduation can be found on the Berklee Online Graduation Planning Page. Students are held responsible for determining that they have earned all necessary credits for graduation. Those students with questions regarding their eligibility are encouraged to contact the Graduation Team at
Completing the Application for Graduation is the only way to initiate the graduation process. A degree cannot be conferred unless the student has submitted the Application for Graduation. The graduation application is considered active for one academic year following its submission. If graduation requirements are not completed during this time period, the student’s application will expire and they will be required to submit a new graduation application.
Applications submitted after the December 1 deadline may delay processing of the student’s academic record and diploma. It may also have implications on a student’s ability to participate in the Berklee College of Music Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony.
Participating in the Berklee College of Music Commencement Ceremony
Berklee Online Bachelor of Professional Studies and Bachelor of Arts degree students have the option of attending the Berklee College of Music Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony. This ceremony is held once a year in May in Boston, Massachusetts. Students interested in participating should indicate this on their Application for Graduation.
In order to be eligible to walk in the Berklee College of Music Commencement Ceremony, BPS and BA students must be within twelve (12) credits of completing their degree requirements by the end of the spring semester. Students are responsible for ensuring they will be within necessary credit range to participate and can lose eligibility to take part in Commencement should they not be in compliance with this policy.
If a student intends to become eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony either by completing additional external credits or by applying for prior credit, they must submit their official transcript and/or prior learning credit portfolio by the winter semester.
It is essential that students planning to walk in the ceremony submit the Application for Graduation by the December 1 deadline. Should a student submit their application late, they will need to wait until the following year to walk.
Participating in Commencement does not mean a degree has been conferred. The student is still responsible for successfully completing all eligibility requirements even if they have already walked in Commencement. All eligibility requirements must be successfully completed prior to degree conferral.
Students may only participate in one commencement ceremony per degree, even if eligibility requirements are completed during a subsequent academic year.
Diploma Policy
Diplomas will be mailed to the address provided on the student’s graduation application within 6-8 weeks of successful program completion. To ensure timely delivery of their diploma, students are asked to verify the accuracy of this address by contacting the Graduation Team at
It is recommended that the name printed on a student’s diploma matches that of their academic record; however, at the time of applying to graduate a student may request a preferred name to be printed in lieu of their legal name. Special characters beyond those contained in the name cannot be included.
College policy allows each graduate only one diploma. Should a diploma be lost, stolen, or damaged, a replacement may be requested by submitting the Diploma Replacement Form here.
A diploma cannot be issued until a student has submitted their Application for Graduation and is free from any and all holds. Students should note that instructors have up to two weeks following the last day of the semester to submit final grades. After this point, any remaining grades of incomplete will delay graduation processing. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Graduation Team directly once an incomplete has been resolved or should a grade change after the deadline impact the student’s eligibility to graduate.
Completing Additional Berklee Online Coursework After Graduation
Once a student has completed their program requirements and met the necessary criteria to graduate, they are not permitted to complete additional coursework as part of their degree program. If they wish to continue their studies at Berklee Online, they can do so by enrolling in an undergraduate certificate or non-degree courses, by applying for a second bachelor’s degree, or by pursuing master’s level coursework, certificate, or degrees at Berklee Online. Please note that students must be officially graduated from their Berklee Online degree program prior to enrolling in another degree program at Berklee Online of the same academic level.
Academic standing and eligibility for a degree or diploma are determined by the quality of course work. To determine academic standing, the college uses a point system, each qualitative grade having an equivalent numerical value.
Grading System
Letter Grade Equivalent | Numerical Value |
A | 4.00 |
A- | 3.70 |
B+ | 3.30 |
B | 3.00 |
B- | 2.70 |
C+ | 2.30 |
C | 2.00 |
C- | 1.70 |
D | 1.00 |
F | 0.00 |
W – Withdrew | 0.00 |
I – Incomplete | 0.00 |
Note: Berklee Online does not rank its students.
How the Grade Point Average is Calculated
Each letter grade has a grade point equivalent as listed. To calculate GPA, multiply each grade point equivalent by the number of credits for each class, total all products, and divide by the number of credits from all graded courses. Courses retaken will only be factored in once using the highest grade earned. Courses taken through the campus that are applicable to a Berklee Online degree will be factored into a student’s GPA. In addition, courses taken through Berklee Online that are not applying to a degree requirement will still be factored into the GPA. Non-credit courses as well as courses fulfilled through transfer credit or prior learning are not included in a student’s GPA.
Degree students need to meet both the overall GPA as well as the in major (concentrate) GPA to be eligible to graduate. The in-major (concentrate) GPA is calculated using only the courses listed under the concentrate section on a student’s progress page. Students who are not meeting either of the GPA requirements will need to retake courses to improve their GPA. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor their own GPAs which can be viewed in self-service.
Students are welcome to use the GPA Calculator Worksheet to calculate a projected cumulative GPA; however, please note that this is intended as a tool only and is not tied to the Berklee Online record system. The results are not official and are based solely on the inputted data.
Grade Change
The student transcript is the college’s official record of the courses that each student takes and the course grades received while at Berklee Online. To ensure accuracy, students and alumni have online access to view their transcripts.
If a student feels they have been issued a grade that does not accurately reflect their performance in a course, they should first reach out to their instructor to discuss the concerns. If they are unable to resolve their issue with the instructor, the student should submit the Berklee Online Policy Appeals Form, which can be found here.
The appeal must be received prior to the end of the following semester to be considered. Any appeal received after this time will not be eligible for review.
Incomplete Grading Policy
Under limited circumstances, a student may request a grade of Incomplete (“I”) from a course instructor in the final two weeks of the semester. The decision to grant the request rests entirely with the instructor of the course provided all of the criteria listed below is met. A request for an Incomplete grade by the student can only be considered by the instructor when all of the following conditions are met:
- the student initiates the request for an Incomplete grade by the last day of the semester;
- the student must have completed through week 8 of the semester and be passing the course at the time of the request;
- attendance in the course by the student has been satisfactory;
- a health condition, family or personal emergency, or other unavoidable documented emergency legitimately prevents the student from completing the required course work by the last day of the semester;
- the required work can reasonably be completed by the end of the following semester (whether or not the student is enrolled in that semester); and
- the Incomplete is not based on the student’s failure to complete work during the semester or used as a means to complete additional work in order to raise the grade in the course.
Please note:
- Grades of “I” are not calculated into the GPA.
- A grade of “I” is not a passing grade. A student will not receive credit for the class until a passing grade is submitted.
- A grade of “I” is not given as a substitute for a failing grade
- The course cannot be used as a prerequisite for another course until a passing grade is submitted.
- Having an Incomplete grade for any course as of the third week of the next semester will prevent a student from being included on that term’s dean’s list.
- A grade of incomplete that is not resolved by the last day of the following semester automatically changes to a grade of F.
- A student on academic probation may not receive an incomplete grade in one or more courses. Students on academic probation must successfully complete all courses by the end of the semester.
- A student who has an approved accommodation is responsible for all coursework and does not have blanket permission to extend timelines on all assignments. In addition, a student who receives a time extension accommodation is not automatically granted an incomplete and must meet the criteria above to receive an incomplete grade.
Inactive Degree Policy
Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree with Berklee Online are required to maintain active enrollment and to be successfully progressing toward the completion of their degree program. Students who have not taken a course towards their degree program for two consecutive years (8 semesters) will be withdrawn from their program. Any student who is withdrawn from their program due to inactivity and who later wishes to return can do so by completing the Degree Reenrollment form found here.
Students who were pursuing a Bachelor of Professional Studies program at the time of their withdrawal will be switched to a Bachelor of Arts program upon their return.
Currently enrolled Bachelor of Arts undergraduate students who are in good academic standing are able to complete a minor in addition to their declared major. The purpose of a minor course of study is to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to gain an understanding of a focused area of study outside of the declared major. Students cannot pursue a minor in the same concentration as their major.
Students are only allowed to pursue a maximum of two minors. Coursework completed under the guidelines of a minor may be used to fulfill other degree requirements as appropriate. (ex. A course could fulfill both a requirement in a minor as well as an elective in the major) Students are strongly encouraged to maintain an awareness of where courses taken for a minor apply to their degree requirements.
A grade of D or higher is required for a course to apply to a minor. In order to receive credit as well as indication of the minor on an official transcript, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.70 in the courses within their declared minor.
Students need to fulfill all prerequisites to complete their minor. Additional coursework may be required.
Minors must be officially declared and completed in order to graduate and be included on a transcript. Students who have completed all of their coursework for their major but have courses remaining for their minor will not be marked as graduated until the minor courses are either completed or the minor is removed. Please note, minors will not appear on a student’s diploma.
- A minor must be declared prior to a student’s final semester.
- Students who have graduated cannot request to have a minor added to their academic record.
- Students on academic probation may not declare a minor until they are in good academic standing.
- Students can change their minor at any time prior to the completion of the minor courses.
- Students can request to remove a minor at any time prior to graduation.
To declare a minor a student should complete the Change of Program Request Form here . Students who wish to change their minor or remove a minor should complete the Change of Program Request Form here. Students who change minors repeatedly often encounter SAP maximum timeframe restrictions, especially if few of their previous classes count toward the new minor. As a result, there may be a limit to the number of approved change of minor requests.
Private Lesson Policies
Guitar Performance, Voice Performance and Piano Performance students in the bachelor’s degree programs complete nine levels of private lessons. Each level of private lessons is 12 weeks in duration and involves a weekly, one-hour, live webcam session with a faculty member of your choosing.
Guitar Performance and Piano Performance major students should begin their program with the level 1 private lesson. During the first week of the semester, your guitar or piano private lesson instructor will assess your proficiency and determine if you should be placed in a different level. If you have completed undergraduate-level private instruction at a regionally accredited institution, you may be eligible to receive transfer credit for the levels you place out of. If you do not have credit-bearing private instruction in your major discipline or your coursework does not meet the necessary criteria for transfer, you will be awarded prior learning credit for the levels you place out of. Students awarded prior learning credits will be responsible for the prior learning per credit fees ($75 per credit).
Students in the Voice Performance major will not be allowed to skip any private lessons. Students who have completed private lessons on campus through Berklee College of Music will be awarded transfer credit for any levels successfully completed prior to acceptance into their BA program.
When course registration opens for the semester, you will be able to register for the appropriate private lesson course level, and then select a day, time, and instructor. Guitar Performance, Piano Performance, and Voice Performance majors will earn two credits for the successful completion of each level of private lessons, for a total of 18 credits.
Tuition for private lessons follows the same per-credit cost of a Berklee Online course (note that private lessons are two credits instead of three credits). In addition, there is a $500 per semester fee for each of the nine levels of private lessons to cover the cost of one-on-one instruction.
Prior Learning Credit
A maximum of 30 prior learning credits may be earned toward a student’s degree. To gain prior learning credit, a student must first be accepted into a Berklee Online degree program. The student must then enroll in the Prior Learning Portfolio course, in which they complete and submit a portfolio, consisting of a resume, written narratives, and supporting documentation, such as business plans, production projects, scores, or audio. The materials should demonstrate what the student learned, where the student learned it, and how that learning equates to the course(s) for which the student is seeking credit. The student should draw parallels between stated course objectives as shown on Berklee Online course syllabi and the learning through work, volunteer activities, or other experiences. Students should avoid using proficiencies gained in undergraduate-level coursework for which they received transfer credit. Prior learning credit can not be granted if the student is seeking credit for a Berklee Online course that closely resembles one that transferred from their previous institution. Students are also precluded from seeking prior learning credit for failed or withdrawn from Berklee Online coursework as well as their capstone course or private lessons. Once the portfolio has been submitted, the academic advisory committee will review it and issue final approval for prior learning credits. For more information on prior learning and associated fees, visit
Students who have voluntarily withdrawn from the college, left their Berklee Online degree program for a period to study on the Berklee main campus, or have been administratively withdrawn from the college due to inactivity and wish to return to their studies at Berklee Online should submit the Reenrollment Form.
All requests for students in good academic and financial standing will be processed for the coming semester, provided the request is received before the end of the add/drop period. Any forms received after this point will be processed for the following semester. Starting in Winter 2022, students may only return to the Bachelor of Arts program and will reenter in the most recent catalog year. Please note that students may only reenroll once per semester.
Those students who have attended other institutions since withdrawing from Berklee and wish to transfer their credit should request copies of their official transcripts to be sent to the Berklee Online Transfer Team.
Official transcripts can be mailed to the following address:
Berklee Online
ATTN: Registrar
855 Boylston St, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116
Electronic transcripts can be directed to
Once the official transcript has been requested, students are then encouraged to fill out and submit the Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form.
Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal
Students who have been dismissed from the Bachelor of Professional Studies or Bachelor of Arts degree program for not meeting satisfactory academic progress standards can petition to be reinstated to their program. To be considered for reinstatement, students must take a minimum of 6 semester credits outside of their degree program, either with Berklee Online or another regionally accredited institution. The courses taken should apply towards their degree program. Students must earn a grade of B or better in their courses, with no Ws, Fs, or incompletes.
Students who elect to take courses outside of Berklee Online must confirm that these will fulfill remaining requirements in their degree program by submitting the Provisional Course Approval Form here. At the conclusion of the courses, students should request to have an official transcript mailed to Berklee Online.
After fulfilling these requirements, students should complete the Degree Reinstatement Appeal Form here.
All requests for reinstatement will be reviewed by the Dean, and students will receive a decision by email.
Students who are reinstated in the degree program and are not yet meeting satisfactory academic progress standards will be placed on academic probation and will need to follow an academic recovery plan until they meet the requirements.
It is each student’s responsibility to work with their assigned advisor before attempting to register for courses. Berklee Online may make changes to a student’s registration schedule in situations, including but not limited to the following: (1) if a course is cancelled, (2) if the student becomes ineligible to enroll in a course due to failing or receiving an Incomplete grade for a requisite course, or (3) if a student fails to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
Academic Year
Berklee Online has four intensive semesters per year, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
After registering for courses in a given semester, students may make adjustments to their course schedule under certain conditions.
The add/drop period at the beginning of each semester is through Thursday of week 2 of the semester. The exact deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar. After the add/drop period has ended students cannot add additional classes for any reason. Students looking to drop a course after the add/drop period has ended will need to withdraw from their course(s). Students can find more information on withdrawing from a course below.
Students can make these changes on Self Service in Students should review their My Progress pages before making changes to the registration to ensure they are taking courses that apply to their program.
Questions about registration or schedule adjustments may be directed to their advisor at
Catalog Year Policy
All students must complete the curriculum defined in the catalog at the time of their matriculation. Students may opt to change to a more recent catalog year assignment if they prefer to graduate under a newer set of curricular requirements. To do so, students should submit a request via email to Students who leave and return to Berklee Online after four or more years will automatically be assigned to the new catalog year that is in effect at the time of their return. Students may not change their catalog year assignment to an earlier catalog. However, students are encouraged to meet with their advisor to discuss the applicability of past course work to their existing catalog assignment.
Credit Limits
Full time status is a minimum of 12 credits (four courses) per semester. Students interested in taking more than four courses (not including private lessons) in a semester require approval by the Berklee Online Registrar’s Office.
Semester Length
Each Berklee Online semester is 12 weeks in length.
Early Lesson Release
Under limited circumstances, students may be able to access next week’s lesson. Requests for access will be reviewed by the academic policy team. Students should complete and submit the following Early Lesson Release Form.
Repeat Course Policy
Students may enroll in and receive a grade for a course taken for a second or subsequent time. Only the highest grade will be computed in the cumulative GPA. The repetition of a course will not eliminate the previous grade from the student’s record, nor will any additional credit toward a degree be earned by repeating a course.
Students repeating a course are not permitted to submit the same work for credit that was submitted in a previous course. Submitting the same work in multiple courses is considered self-plagiarism and could result in a violation of the code of community standards.
Additional tuition and fees will apply for all repeated courses.
Repeat Coursework and the Impact on Title IV Eligibility
The Department of Education has instituted guidelines that may impact the receipt of financial aid for students who repeat (retake) coursework. These repeat courses may impact your financial aid eligibility. In order for a repeated course to count toward your financial aid enrollment status for financial aid purposes:
- You may receive Title IV aid for a previously passed course (with a “D” grade or better) only once as long as you are receiving credit for the course.
- If you have previously passed a course (with a “D” grade or better) and then subsequently failed the same course (with a grade of “F’), Title IV aid may not be used to pay for the course again.
- If you enroll in a previously repeated course for a third time, Title IV aid may not be used to pay for the course.
- There is no regulatory limit on the number of times that you may receive Title IV aid to retake a failed course (with a grade of “F”), unless you have previously passed that course.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
All Berklee Online students are required to make satisfactory academic progress. All students must meet or exceed the following three standards at the end of each academic year (the end of Summer semester) to meet Berklee Online’s Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. In addition, they must meet these requirements to maintain federal financial aid eligibility.
- A cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
- A cumulative credit completion percentage of 70 percent, calculated by cumulative credit hours completed divided by cumulative credit hours attempted.
- The ability to complete their degree requirements for graduation within 150 percent of the normal credits allotted for degree completion. Example: A student enrolled in a 120 credit degree program has a maximum of 180 attempted credits to complete the degree.
Failure to satisfy any one of these standards will result in a student being placed on satisfactory academic progress suspension. Suspended students lose federal financial aid eligibility.
Students placed on satisfactory academic progress suspension may appeal the decision to Berklee Online by submitting the SAP Appeal Form here. Any appeal must be based on extenuating circumstances and contain written verification of those circumstances. Students who choose not to appeal or whose appeal is denied face dismissal from the college.
If an appeal is granted, students will be placed into academic probation status and must sign and agree to the semesters of an academic recovery plan in order to continue to receive federal financial aid and register for classes for the Fall semester. If students have not fulfilled the conditions of the academic recovery plan by end of Spring semester, they will face academic dismissal.
At the end of the probation period:
- If a student has made satisfactory academic progress and fulfilled the conditions of the academic recovery plan, their enrollment eligibility will be conditionally restored, and the student will maintain financial aid eligibility.
- If a student has not made satisfactory academic progress but has fulfilled the conditions of their academic recovery plan, the student may request an extension to their academic probation.
- If a student has not made satisfactory academic progress nor fulfilled the conditions of their academic recovery plan, the student will have their enrollment eligibility permanently revoked, resulting in academic dismissal from Berklee Online.
Students placed on academic dismissal are ineligible for future semesters of enrollment in a Berklee Online bachelor’s degree program.
Failure to show academic improvement could result in dismissal from the college. Withdrawing from a course or semester for any reason with a grade of “W” will affect students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and, subsequently, their enrollement and financial aid eligibility.
Students tracking their academic progress are welcome to use the GPA Calculator Worksheet to calculate a projected cumulative GPA; however, please note that this is intended as a tool only and is not tied to the Berklee Online record system. The results are not official and are based solely on the inputted data.
Transcript Requests
Berklee Online now offers an online transcript request service. Official undergraduate and graduate electronic (eTranscripts) and paper transcripts can be ordered online through our transcript partner, Parchment, an authorized delivery agent specializing in secure transcript exchange.
Type of Transcript | Delivery Method | Cost |
eTranscript* | Electronic Delivery | $3 |
Paper Transcript | Standard USPS | $6 |
USPS International | $9 | |
FedEx Domestic | $31 | |
FedEx International | $54 |
*An eTranscript is an official transcript that has been digitally signed and certified, and can be downloaded as a PDF document through an emailed link. This is the most secure and quickest delivery method, but make sure the college or organization that is being sent your transcript accepts electronic transcripts before ordering.
Sending Your Transcript to Berklee College of Music Campus or Boston Conservatory at Berklee?
Students wishing to have their transcripts sent to the Berklee College of Music campus registrar or admissions office or to the Boston Conservatory at Berklee registrar or admissions office should not submit a transcript request through Parchment. Instead, fill out the Berklee College of Music Credit Transfer Request form, which can be found here.
Important Information:
- To access the Official Transcript Request, students will need to log into their Berklee Online account. Students who do not remember their login information can send an email to
- Transcripts contain confidential academic information and are released in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), and therefore transcript requests will not be processed without a legal signature (or secured electronic authorization).
- Normal processing time for a transcript is 7-14 business days from receipt of order; delivery times may be extended during times of high volume.
- During the online transcript ordering process, you will have the option of attaching files to your order to be forwarded along with your transcript.
- Transcript orders on hold for 90 days or more are automatically cancelled.
- Berklee Online does not provide unofficial transcripts. Non-degree students wishing to view their grades can do so on their home page. Degree students can view their grades at
- For questions or additional information about Berklee Online transcript request service, contact the Berklee Online Registrar’s Office at
Enrollment Verification
To obtain an enrollment verification letter, please complete the Enrollment Verification Request Form below. A signature and date are both required. Please allow up to 5-7 business days from receipt of request to process enrollment verification.
Enrollment verification cannot be provided for future semesters. However, confirmation of registration can be provided if the student is registered for an upcoming semester.
Enrollment verification cannot be processed if you have an outstanding financial obligation to Berklee Online.
All enrollment verification documentation will be provided in US Dollars.
Transitioning to a Bachelor of Arts program
Starting in the January 2022 semester, Berklee Online will transition our Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) programs to a Bachelor of Arts (BA). Though the requirements of a BA are nearly identical to a BPS, a BA is more universally recognized by the music industry and will better prepare you to deal with the complexity, diversity, and change you may encounter in your music career.
Students can find information on how this impacts them and frequently asked questions here.
Transferring to or from Non-Degree Enrollment
Students pursuing a degree program through Berklee Online can transfer their enrollment to a certificate program by contacting their academic advisor. Students will be required to submit the Degree College Withdrawal Form here and pay the registration fee for the certificate program they wish to pursue. No refunds will be issued for tuition or fees paid towards a degree program. Courses taken on campus at Berklee College of Music, transferred in from outside institutions, or those awarded credit through prior learning are not eligible to be used towards a certificate program. Students cannot apply courses from a completed Berklee Online degree program to a certificate program.
Students enrolled in an active degree program cannot be enrolled in individual courses or certificate programs. Students who have been accepted into a degree program will be withdrawn from any prepaid individual courses or certificate program courses and tuition will be transferred to the degree program unless otherwise requested. The certificate program will also be marked inactive.
Withdrawal from Courses/Semester
Withdrawing from a course is the responsibility of the student. Students can withdraw with a grade of W through week 8 of the semester. No withdrawals are accepted after week 8. Once the withdrawal deadline has passed, all registered students will receive a course grade based on the stated grading criteria. Students continue to be financially responsible for that course and are not eligible for a tuition refund or replacement course. Students should note that withdrawing from a course might affect students’ eligibility to receive scholarships, financial aid, and veterans’ benefits. In addition, withdrawing from a class or the semester for any reason with a grade of “W” will affect students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and, subsequently, their enrollement and financial aid eligibility. Students suspended for not meeting SAP standards can appeal. Students are strongly advised to consult with their instructor, advisor, or Student Success prior to withdrawing from a course.
Students wishing to withdraw from a course(s) and/or semester should complete Degree Course(s) / Semester Withdrawal Form here.
Withdrawal from the College
Students who wish to withdraw from the college must complete the Degree College Withdrawal Form here.
No deduction is made for temporary absence, nor is any credit granted if students are suspended, dismissed, or leave the college without formally withdrawing. In some instances, financial aid awards may be prorated upon withdrawal from the college. Contact the Office of Financial Aid or see below for more information.Administrative Withdrawal Due to Non-Participation
Students pursuing a degree through Berklee Online are required to maintain regular participation in the courses in which they are enrolled.
Through week 10 of the semester, students who do not participate in any of their courses for two consecutive weeks will be administratively withdrawn from their courses, unless prior arrangements have been made with their instructor, academic advisor, and student success specialist. Participation is defined as posting an assignment within a course. No administrative withdrawals will be processed for lack of participation during the last two weeks of the semester; students will be required to finish the semester and will be issued the grade earned.
Extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from participating, either at the beginning of the semester or during the semester, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Dean of Continuing Education.
Students who are administratively withdrawn will be responsible for any tuition and fees incurred as a result of their enrollment. Students receiving financial aid should keep in mind that credit changes may affect their aid eligibility. In addition, a grade of “W” will affect students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and, subsequently, their financial aid and enrollement eligibility. Students suspended for not meeting SAP standards can appeal.
The course participation policy is in place in order to encourage prompt and regular online participation that assists our students in being successful in their degree program and to also comply with federal financial aid regulations. Administrative withdrawals are not used to facilitate students in avoiding poor or failing grades. Therefore, students are unable to request to be administratively withdrawn for any reason before or after the Week 8 withdrawal deadline.
Withdrawal Due to Medical Reasons
Students who need to withdraw from their online course(s) for medical reasons may be eligible for a medical withdrawal and refund. A medical withdrawal will be considered only if accompanied by a written verification from a medical doctor on letterhead stating the student cannot complete the semester due to an illness or disability. Please note the doctor’s note must be in English and in an uneditable format to be considered. The withdrawal will not be allowed if a student fails to submit medical documentation to the Student Success Specialist prior to the end of week 8 of the semester. If the requested medical withdrawal is approved, the student will receive a grade of “W” for the semester. Please note, that withdrawing from a course or the semester due to medical reasons with a grade of “W” will affect students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and subsequently, their financial aid and enrollement eligibility. Students suspended for not meeting SAP standards can appeal.
Students wishing to withdraw due to medical reasons should complete and submit the Degree Student Medical Withdrawal Form here.
Withdrawal from Berklee Online with Financial Aid
Title IV federal financial aid includes Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized), and Federal Direct PLUS Loans.
Per federal regulation, students who receive Title IV federal financial aid and who fully withdraw from Berklee on or before the 60 percent point in the semester (in calendar days) are entitled to keep only the portion of Title IV federal student aid that they have earned to that point. Students who receive federal financial aid and withdraw after the 60 percent point of the semester are considered to have earned all of their federal student aid for that semester.
Students who stop attending all classes without officially withdrawing are considered to be “walking-away.” The federal aid received during the semester will be subject to the federal return calculation based on the effective date of withdrawal, which is determined by the last recorded date of academically related activity (see Administrative Withdrawal Due to Non-Participation).
Post-Withdrawal Disbursement
Students who withdraw prior to Title IV funds being disbursed may be eligible for a portion of their available aid. Students eligible for Federal Direct Loans will be notified of the percentage of their loan(s) for which they are eligible and will be given 14 days to accept the loan(s) and have it applied to their balance. Loans will not be applied without confirmation.
Return of Federal Financial Aid
Based on a pro-rata schedule, the percentage of the semester attended is used to calculate the amount of a student’s earned/unearned federal financial aid funds. Any unearned federal aid must be returned to the federal government. Federal aid funds previously disbursed will be adjusted and may create a balance owed to the college. Students are responsible for any balance due after the return of funds calculation has been completed.
The unearned portion of Title IV federal financial aid will be returned to the appropriate aid programs in the following order:
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Direct Stafford Loan
- Federal Direct PLUS Loan
- Federal Pell Grant
Refunds to the student and/or to the federal financial aid programs by the student or the college will be made within 30 days of the date that the college determines the student has withdrawn.
The chart below will help explain how refunds are calculated. Refer to the column that applies to a student’s withdrawal/federal student-aid status at Berklee College of Music. The college will calculate a student’s tuition charges and aid eligibility under the policy, which applies to a student’s status and withdrawal.
Withdrawal Tuition and Aid Percentage Chart
Time | Tuition Charged | Federal Aid Earned |
Before classes begin | 0% | 0% |
Monday of Week 1 | 0% | 6% |
Monday of Week 2 | 0% | 14% |
Monday of Week 3 | 100% | 20% |
Monday of Week 4 | 100% | 28% |
Monday of Week 5 | 100% | 34% |
Monday of Week 6 | 100% | 41% |
Monday of Week 7 | 100% | 48% |
Monday of Week 8 | 100% | 54% |
Monday of Week 9-12 | 100% | 100% |
*These percentages are weekly guidelines; actual refunds are based on calendar days. This represents the amount of student aid that is earned at the point of withdrawal. Unearned Federal Aid will be returned to the government. Final eligibility will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid within 30 days of the student withdrawing from classes.
State funds have their own eligibility criteria for when students withdraw. State regulations vary, and we recommend students check with their state or with the Office of Financial Aid to determine eligibility for any state funds when withdrawing.
Veterans’ benefits, too, have their own eligibility criteria for when students withdraw. We encourage any student receiving veterans’ benefits to talk with the veterans’ certifying official for Berklee Online before withdrawing from the college.
Note that when a student fully withdraws, any adjusted Berklee charges that have not been paid are still owed to the college.
For more information, contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Berklee College of Music
921 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 747-2073