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Alex Belden

Alex Belden

Music History and Liberal Arts, Music Theory, Harmony, and Ear Training, and Music Therapy, Health, and Neuroscience

Alexander Belden is a researcher and science educator, with a primary interest in the field of music perception and cognition. Dr. Belden earned his PhD in biology from Northeastern University, where his dissertation work focused on functional network dynamics of music listening and effects of age. Dr. Belden also holds an MA in biology from Wesleyan University, as well as a BS in biopsychology from Tufts University. Dr. Belden's research experience includes analyses of jazz improvisation as a model for real time creativity, development of music-based interventions for older adults at risk for cognitive decline, and observation of neural correlates of human musicality measured through fMRI. In his free time, Dr. Belden enjoys singing, songwriting, and tabletop gaming, and he is currently a member of Boston's Chorus Pro Musica.